The international Landscape 2024 conference brought together around 300 scientists and experts from 38 countries. The Landscape conference is held every three years. This year’s conference was held from 17 to 19 September in Berlin, organised by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and hosted by the Humboldt University Berlin (HU). As a partner of the interdisciplinary conference on sustainable agriculture, PhenoRob cooperated with the ZALF.

During the three-day conference, researchers presented their work, developed new approaches and discussed topics related to “Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors”. Prior to the main conference, which consisted of 32 scientific presentations, participants had the opportunity to attend five workshops and three master classes. After the conference, two excursions were offered, one to the patchCROP landscape laboratory and the ZALF experimental station in Müncheberg, and a second to Uckermarck, a region located north of Berlin, including a visit to the Kerkow estate and the ZALF experimental station in Dedelow.

Group photo by © Tony Haupt Photo