We constantly invite researchers and industry experts to share their results with the PhenoRob community. See below for videos of these talks. Explore the events calendar for all upcoming talks.
PhenoRob Talks
Sarah Garré, ILVO, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (10.02.2023)
Sarah Garré (ILVO, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) gives a talk on “Phenotyping the future crop combining above- and below-ground field phenotyping” as part of the PhenoRob Women in Science-Talk Series on February 10, 2023.
Rick van de Zedde, Wageningen University & Research (13.01.2023)
33rd PhenoRob Seminar Series with Rick van de Zedde (Wageningen University) on “Digital Twin Development for Tomato – Virtual Plant Modelling, Plant Measurements, Data Storage & Processing and Information Extraction at the Netherlands Plant Eco-Phenotyping Centre (NPEC)”
Amy Marshall-Colon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (23.09.2022)
30th PhenoRob Seminar Series with Amy Marshall-Colon (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) on “Uncovering dynamic changes in signaling across cell types in the Sorghum bicolor stem”
Zbyněk Malenovský, University of Bonn (06.07.2022)
29th PhenoRob Seminar Series with Zbyněk Malenovský (University of Bonn) on “Quantitative remote sensing of plant functional traits: Machine-learning retrievals driven by physically modelled upscaling”
Matthias Wissuwa, University of Tokyo (10.06.2022)
28th PhenoRob Seminar Series with Matthias Wissuwa (University of Tokyo) on “Improving resource capture in nutrient and water limited environments: A breeding approach based on root system modeling, genomic prediction, and on-farm selection”
Gabriel Schaaf, University of Bonn & Andrea Schnepf, Forschungszentrum Jülich (13.05.2022)
27th PhenoRob Seminar Series with Gabriel Schaaf (University of Bonn) & Andrea Schnepf (Forschungszentrum Jülich) on “Crop Responses under Phosphate Deficiency: Integration of Plant Physiology in Sensing and Modelling”
Katie Driggs-Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (06.04.2022)
Katie Driggs-Campbell gives a talk on “Robust Navigation for Agricultural Robots via Anomaly Detection” as part of the PhenoRob Seminar Series.
Sven Behnke, University of Bonn and Uwe Rascher, FZJ (11.03.2022)
Sven Behnke (University of Bonn) and Uwe Rascher (FZJ) give a talk on “In-Field 4D Crop Reconstruction: Measuring and modeling individual plants and canopies in 3D over time with mobile robots”
Sara Bauke, University of Bonn (17.12.2021)
Sara Bauke, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bonn, gives a talk on “Integrating subsoil nutrients into agricultural management” as part of the PhenoRob Women in Science-Talk Series on December 17, 2021.
Ixchel M. Hernández Ochoa, University of Bonn (17.12.2021)
Ixchel Hérnandez Ochoa, postdoctoral researcher with the Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob, gives a talk on “Model-aid evaluation and design of spatio-temporal crop diversification at the landscape scale by considering field heterogenities” as part of the PhenoRob Women in Science-Talk Series on December 17, 2021.
David Bullock, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/AIFARMS (18.10.2021)
We had the pleasure of hosting Prof. Dr. David Bullock from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/AIFARMS. Listen here to his talk on “Contributing to an International Cyber-infrastructure for On-Farm Precision Experimentation”!
Mrinalini Kochupillai, Munich Center for Technology in Society (24.09.2021)
Mrinalini Kochupillai, Guest professor at the Future Lab, Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observations (AI4EO) at Technical University of Munich gives a talk on “Incentivizing conservation, research and innovation with agrobiodiversity: Can blockchain/DLT help overcome regulatory and market failures?” as part of the PhenoRob “Women in Science” talk series.
Keynote Talk by C. Stachniss: Robots in the Field – Towards Sustainable Crop Production (ICRA’20)
Robots in the Fields: Directions Towards Sustainable Crop Production ICRA 2020 Keynote Talk by Cyrill Stachniss International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Paris, 2020 Abstract: Food, feed, fiber, and fuel: Crop farming plays an essential role for the future of humanity and our planet. We heavily rely on agricultural production and at the same time, we need to reduce the footprint of agriculture production: less input of chemicals like herbicides and fertilizer and other limited resources. Simultaneously, the decline in arable land and climate change pose additional constraints like drought, heat, and other extreme weather events. Robots and other new technologies offer promising directions to tackle different management challenges in agricultural fields. To achieve this, autonomous field robots need the ability to perceive and model their environment, to predict possible future developments, and to make appropriate decisions in complex and changing situations. This talk will showcase recent developments towards robot-driven sustainable crop production. We will illustrate how certain management tasks can be automized using UAVs and UGVs and which new ways this technology offers. Among work conducted in collaborative European projects, the talk covers ongoing developments of the Cluster of Excellence “PhenoRob – Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production” and some of our current exploitation activities.